Hillary Clinton IF ELECTED, will destroy Christianity that still exists in the United States has been an example to the world.

Hillary Clinton IF ELECTED, will destroy Christianity that still exists in the United States has been an example to the world.

Hillary Christ the evil that will chase pastors and deploy immorality within the American churches and the worst, export all waste it to the world.

CAUTION CHRISTIANS AMERICAN, you guys are about to see Capena ruling in person.

The lot that HILLARY CLINTON drove Jesus Christ to his heart. Now there is only one black hole in her heart.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Damn the nation whose God is their own man.

promises to use power to combat religion if elected US president

Posted by James Chagas on May 10, 2015

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Hillary Clinton promises to use power to combat religion if elected US president

Do you know what secret of successful people?

The presidential elections in the United States next year will be marked by the clash of different profiles ideas. Pre-candidate of the Republican Party who presented so far hold a conservative profile. But the main name of the Democratic Party, State Hillary Clinton's former secretary, decided to embrace the liberal discourse altogether.

During a conference on feminism held in New York, Hillary (wife of former President Bill Clinton) said governments should use everything you have on hand to combat religion.

"Deeply rooted cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural phobias need to change. Governments should use its coercive resources to redefine traditional religious dogma, "he said.

The dictatorial tone used by pre-candidate received international prominence, with repercussions in Latin countries, Europe and here in Brazil.

According to the Spanish newspaper La Gaceta, Clinton defended abortion as a "woman's right" and said that contrary opinions to that formed from religious beliefs are an act of discrimination against women and homosexuals.

"The rights must exist in practice, not only on paper. Laws must be backed with real resources, "Clinton said, justifying the use of force (coercive resources) so that these ideas are put into practice.

Using an understatement, Clinton has referred to abortion as a defense of "sexual and reproductive health," and said that contrary to the interruption of pregnancy "to erect as leaders", and therefore need to be faced.

The impact of Clinton's statements were negative among American Christian. Bill Donohue, representative of the Catholic League of the United States, said that never a candidate for the presidency of the country had positioned against religion so clearly.

Already Ed Morrissey, a columnist for hotair, joked: "Apply to the US presidency promising to use public resources to end religious beliefs is probably the most sincere progressive slogan of history. Implying that a nation built on the pillar of religious freedom will employ the state's power to change religious practices is an unprecedented statement. "


Before his successful political career - was first lady and from the there, senator was elected and after defeated by Obama in 2008, was appointed Secretary of State by the president - Hillary had a different speech.

Set up in an evangelical family, Hillary attended the First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge, Illinois. This time, carried for decades friendship and advice of his then youth pastor Don Jones, who died in 2009.

Hillary was known to always carry a copy of the Holy Bible in her purse. In 2007, he told CNN that his practice of faith is a daily exercise for spiritual awakening "does not come naturally," but arises in your heart every time you are faced with adversity: "The existence of suffering calls us to action," he said at the time.

Going back a little further in time, in 1993 she gave one of his most famous speeches, the University of Texas, when he said that we need to give new meaning to politics: "We must piece together what we believe to be more correct moral, ethical and spiritually, and do the best we can with the guidance of God. "


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